Sunday, September 4, 2011

Black Hat Materials and PoC Release

It is already a month since our talk in Black Hat USA 2011. It's time to release the materials.

Black Hat USA 2011 - Weapons of Targeted Attack: Modern Document Exploit Techniques (Slides)

Demo videos:
Microsoft Office DEP bypass

New Flash JIT Spraying - 01 - Why you need this trick.

New Flash JIT Spraying - 02 - MS11-050 with NEW Flash JIT Spraying.

New Flash JIT Spraying - 03 - CVE-2010-3333 with NEW Flash JIT Spraying (Flash 11)

Flash Sandbox Bypass - Stealing Gmail Cookie using Document Exploit

HIPS Bypass - 01 - Bypass McAfee HIPS

HIPS Bypass - 02 - Bypass COMODO HIPS

And here are PoC files.

Black Hat USA 2011 - Weapons of Targeted Attack: Modern Document Exploit Techniques (Paper)